Can Ewe Believe This?

Constant lessons in learning to let go. What happens when the lesson becomes an embodied teaching? Sometimes we do all we can and situations happen where it totally wrecks everything you had planned. But there is a teaching in the chaos. And for this week’s post it has been a teaching on Acceptance.

I have the pleasant opportunity to work with pigs and sheep this year and they have taught me a lot in regards to integrating animals into the farm cycle. And also the importance of fencing in this cycle as well. Over the winter we were able to source our fencing for basically free, discovering mountains of pallets on the mesa to create our animal enclosures. However, with animals if there is a will to find other food sources and if there is a way… it’s happening. And it did. The sheep and piglets broke through the pen last night and ate all the chiles, eggplants, and corn I had planted along with some beans. Absolutely heartbreaking and also a lesson in the unpredictability of farming. And how little control we think we have of things.

So now is a time to let that sink in. Regroup. Replant Beans and Cover Crops. Feel Sadness. And be grateful for the part the plants play in the sheep’s life cycle.


How you bean?


What’s So Special About Dill?